Woman on smartphone: depiction of internet addiction

Tired of mindlessly scrolling?

Addictions I can help you with

  • Internet Addiction

  • Phone Addiction

  • Streaming Addiction

  • Porn Addiction

  • Social Media Addiction

Break Free from Internet and Porn Addiction

Struggling with internet and porn addiction? You're not alone. Whether it's binge-watching YouTube, Netflix, or endlessly scrolling through social media, or finding yourself lost in the allure of online adult content, breaking free from these habits can feel like an insurmountable challenge. Despite watching countless videos and reading blogs about overcoming internet and porn addiction, you find yourself relapsing time and time again.

Understanding Your Addiction: Why It's Hard to Quit

Sound familiar? It's time to break free. Drawing from my own 15-year journey of battling and successfully overcoming internet and porn addiction, I've developed a unique approach to detoxing that's personal, effective, and tailored to your needs.

My Personal Journey: Overcoming 15 Years of Addiction

My journey wasn't easy, but confronting my past empowered me to say no to addictive urges and redirect my energy toward healthier pursuits. Through therapy and mindfulness practices like breathing meditation, I began unpacking and processing these traumas head-on.

Tailored Solutions: A Personalized Approach to Detoxing

While I'm not a licensed therapist, my background as a social worker has provided me with unique insights into addiction and recovery. My personal journey has equipped me with valuable strategies and perspectives that I'm eager to share with others navigating similar challenges.

Taking the First Step: Your Path to Recovery Begins Here

Ready to take the next step towards a healthier, detoxed self? Let's begin your journey to recovery together.

Support and Guidance: Empowering You on Your Journey

By offering empathy, understanding, and encouragement, I strive to inspire hope and empowerment in those seeking to break free from addiction. Together, we can embark on a journey of healing and transformation, supporting each other every step of the way.

Pornography addiction can ruin lives.

Let’s dig deeper.

Focus on understanding the 'why' rather than just the 'how'. Many individuals grappling with prolonged struggles to overcome pornography or excessive internet use often have underlying issues driving these behaviors. By addressing these root causes, we can lay the groundwork for effectively breaking free from addiction once and for all

Try a session for free and see if it’s right for you.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.